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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Horrors of Drunk Driving

car accident  injury attorney Los Angeles

Authorities have made it known that drunk driving is bad and can be lethal—why is it still happening these days?

Intoxication has many critical effects to a person says personal injury attorney Los Angeles. For one, the use of his or her senses and his and her reactions are considerably dulled when he or she has high alcohol level. He or she cannot react quickly to certain situations and may not also meet the requirements of driving standards. Moreover, because of the sedative effects of alcohol, he or she may feel groggy and sleepy while driving. It then becomes uncommon for them to meet accidents says car accident injury lawyer Los Angeles.

According to personal injury attorney Los Angeles, With all these happening, there are still those who think they can overcome such limitations and still decide to drive their cars even when drunk.

This is what happened to Jessica Marie Cuevas, a 31-year-old bartender from Riverside County, California. Cuevas is currently facing a murder case as a result of the death of hey boyfriend Jason Clay Peters. The incident occurred in May 2008 when Cuevas, who was driving at a speed of 55 miles per hour with an alcohol level of .16, lost control of her vehicle. The car veered off the road and crashed into a tree. Cuevas was relatively lucky, suffering only injuries, but Peters was not as fortunate.

Both individuals had been reported drunk. According to the car accident injury attorney Los Angeles, Cuevas could have avoided the accident, knowing full well about the repercussions since she worked in the alcohol industry. In fact, bartenders are taught to refuse serving more alcohol to a person who is visibly inebriated. This is to avoid accidents and the liability that the establishments may incur when they do happen.

Cuevas herself was said to be refused by the bartender in the establishment she had drinks in with Peters, because she was already clearly drunk. The security guard in the bar also escorted Cuevas and Peters, and he even tried to warn her not to take the wheel. However, as events showed, Cuevas thought and did otherwise.

Alcohol is just like drugs. It gives people a feeling of improved confidence in one’s self. Feelings of invincibility are not out of the question as well, which is perhaps what played in Cuevas’s mind when she decided to drive despite being in an inebriated state. However, these are just mere fantasies or even hallucinations concocted by the human mind under the influence of alcohol. Sadly, giving in to such temptations and illusions has a big price, which could definitely be your life or the life of your loved ones.

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